
Public Universities in Germany

Study for free in an excellent education system

Entry requirements for german Public universities

Education systemCambridge A-Levels (MAU)French BaccalauréatIB (International Baccalauréat)
General requirements

3 A-Levels and 1 O-Level


2 A-Levels and 3 O-Levels


6 subjects in total, 3 HL and 3 SL

Minimum 24 points

You need to have studied all subjects 
for the past 2 years

More details

The subjects need to be different, general eduation subjects

A-Levels need to be passed (minimum E), 

O-Levels need to be minimum C 
(A,B or C) to count

You need Math and English (either in A-Level OR O-Level)


Within the 6 subjects the following are needed:

 # 2 languages (level A or B)
# 1 Natural Science
# 1 Mathematical Subject

# 1 Social Science

# 1 subject of your choice 



Please noteSome specific courses do have different entry requirements and for IB there is the option of foundation year. Please contact us for more information.

Language requirements 

To enter German public universities you need to proof German language proficiency on C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You can proof the C1 level with one of the following 3 exams:

TestDaF (level 4 x 4) - most common exam recognized by all universities
Telc C1 (passed) - recognized by most univerisities
DSH exam (level 1) - this exam is only offered by universities and only valid for a small number of other universities

All 3 exams are on the C1 level of the German language and will allow you to do your studies in the German language. You need to pass the following levels according to the CEFR to reach C1 level:

A0No knowledge of the German language
A2 Elementary
Please note: In StudyWays we offer the Beginner, 
Elementary and Intermediate level from Mauritius and the remaining 2 levels from our partner ISL in Germany.